
Has She Been Eating?

With global acceptance movements at an all time high for so many different causes, like those against homophobia, misogyny, racism, and fat shaming to name a few, people have begun to start loving who they truly are. Let us focus on the anti-fat shaming movement for a second, here. As a person who challenges most […]



I studied in a foreign country when I was five. I remember being cornered in the bathroom, the mean girls laughing at me because my tan didn’t come off. I fought back tears, standing proud and telling them that that is simply how my skin is, and they should learn to deal with it, before […]



You smell like cigarettes and mint. Your hair is a structural masterpiece, and your smile is a reminder of the heart break all over again. A stake in the gut, a sick, twisted knot. A flashback of the days we spent in each other’s arms, not wanting to leave, tripping into the next dimension, ashtrays […]



Bibliophile [bib-lee-uh-fayhl, -fil] -noun, a person who loves collecting books. ~*~ I have always been bad at extempore. Throughout my years at school, I excelled in elocution, speeches, and even the art of hosting, but when eight hundred hungry eyes stared at me, ready to pick me apart with any mistakes I made as weapons, […]



It has been brought to my attention that my life is a matter of public discussion. “Why is she downgrading?” That is the question that has been troubling many of the people on the apparently existent panel of experts.So let me answer the query for all of those minds who are baffled by my choices […]


Ironies excite me.

The cursor keeps blinking on a blank screen.  My mind races across the vastness of the universe, scavenging through the leftovers of the great authors and poets that have come and gone, finding so much, but disappointing myself with my inability to put it on paper. There is an ocean of stories yet to be told, […]



The sun shone high, its heat, overwhelming. Sweat trickled down my scalp as I sat down on a nearby rock. I put my bag aside and took off my sandals. The wind blew my hair in every direction, but I didn’t mind. I knew my hair would be dry and full of tangles by the […]


She is a person.

A fair amount of time has passed since the last time I was publishing this very post, and in that time I have learnt a good deal. I want to start of by saying that a lot has changed, and with the little wisdom that I have gained, I felt the need to change some aspects […]



It took some time to register. It was all quite blurry at first, but then the fog faded away, and everything became crystal clear. But it was too late. By then, it was all over. I remembered how on day one, all that my conscience would allow me to do was cry. Everything was new back then. […]